Clyde Christian Bible Church

Raised Up By God's Hand: Summarizing 1 Samuel 1-16a

Clyde Christian Bible Church

It's our humbly triumphant return to the church building, and with it, everybody's favourite: a 16-in-1 sermon!  Since we've been gone so long, Chris gets us caught up on all the action from Chapter 1's Hannah, an unexpected hero from the middle of nowhere, to Chapter 16's David, another unexpected hero from the middle of nowhere.

For the sake of those who could not attend due to health concerns or previous engagements, we've included portions of the entire service, including Scripture reading, communion, and a couple celebrations (no singing, prayer requests, or listening to Chris drone on and on about the flooding in the basement).  We are excited to be back together next Sunday!  But until then, get all caught up on 1 Samuel, and hear how God chooses people from the middle of nowhere (like Clyde) based on their heart for Him.